how do I uninstall Kubuntu and install something different?

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Sun May 20 07:58:52 UTC 2007

Imre Szabo <szaboimre2 at> writes:

> I searcg the internet for that, but haven't found anything useful. I
> only have Kubuntu Edgy on my computer, and want to install a newer
> version or install something different. thanks for anything useful.

OK: If what you want to use is a Linux distribution then the process is
simple -- you just install the other distribution.  Boot from the CD or
whatever as normal, follow their instructions as expected.

If you want to install a Windows derivative then you can do the same
thing: simple run their installer.

The one additional trick that you may need to know, with Windows, is
that you can remove grub from the boot sector and revert to standard
Windows activity by running this command at a dos prompt:

    fdisk /mbr

That should not be necessary for any even vaguely recent Windows release
such as 2000, XP or Vista, but may help if you insist on using an
unsupported older release.

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