No way to shutdown the computer via Kmenu?!?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed May 16 19:55:20 UTC 2007

On 16/05/07, Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at> wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 May 2007, anthony baldwin wrote:
> > I have a button for shutdown on the end of my panel.
> > If you don´t have one, you can add it by right-clicking on the panel and
> > choosing
> > ¨add applet¨ and then choose ¨lock/logout¨ from that menu (includes a
> > shutdown option
> > when you click the logout button).
> > All the same, I never use that to shutdown, only to lock session or log
> > out. I advise using ¨sudo halt¨ at terminal.
> Why?  What's wrong with selecting Logout from the K-menu or right clicking on
> the desktop?
> Issuing 'sudo halt' from a terminal session implies that one has one open...
> (or else it's more clicking to get one)    and I would also guess that doing
> a halt  would not allow KDE to shut down properly......
> Just my $.02

I usually have a terminal open, so that's no real problem. Instead of
halt I use shutdown but that's what's great about *NIX: 20 ways to do
anything. The shutdown command, at least, does let KDE and everything
else exit properly.

Dotan Cohen

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