Noiseless shutdown + Kubuntu 7.04

Magyari, Balázs tripatos at
Tue May 1 10:01:48 UTC 2007

No idea? I also tried Ubuntu 7.04 and it makes the same quite loud and
awful voice when shutting down. So the problem might be in the base
system, eg. in the kernel. I went back to 6.10 then. :-)

2007/4/24, Magyari, Balázs <tripatos at>:
> Hello,
> I installed a Kubuntu 7.04 (no upgrade) and as I already have
> experienced with Herd and Beta Releases, the shutdown is noisy for me,
> as if the winchester (or sg. else) is still working when shutting
> down. That's the same with Hibernating, but not with Suspending, then
> the laptop turn-off is noiseless.
> It's not just that it's not "trendy" for a modern OS to behave like
> this but I'm also afraid of destroying my hardware and it's also quite
> disturbing for me. I use K/Ubuntu since 5.04 and I tried many other
> linux distributions too but never experienced such symptoms. (neither
> with Kubuntu Edgy or with Windows)
> As this may not be a bug I would like to know if there is some way to
> tweak my system in order to make a completely noiseless (and maybe
> more secure) shutdown for my laptop. Maybe I should modify my shutdown
> scripts, or...? If you have any suggestions, please send an e-mail!
> Thanks in advance,
> Balázs Magyari

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