Noiseless shutdown + Kubuntu 7.04

Martijn van Es jurgenvanes at
Tue May 1 19:47:57 UTC 2007

Probably you have a normal ATA drive in your hardware that used to be called 
hda. Due to a newer kernel all hard drives are controlled with one driver 
that is not yet fully suitable for normal ATA drives (your disc is called sda 
in that case) The driver SHOULD set everything automatically, but there are a 
few problems for a lot of people.

Acoustic management is one of these settings that may not be set in the best 
way. Until now there is no cure for this, we have to wait for a kernel 

I hope this explained  it a bit.

On Tuesday 01 May 2007 12:01:48 Magyari, Balázs wrote:
> No idea? I also tried Ubuntu 7.04 and it makes the same quite loud and
> awful voice when shutting down. So the problem might be in the base
> system, eg. in the kernel. I went back to 6.10 then. :-)
> 2007/4/24, Magyari, Balázs <tripatos at>:
> > Hello,
> > I installed a Kubuntu 7.04 (no upgrade) and as I already have
> > experienced with Herd and Beta Releases, the shutdown is noisy for me,
> > as if the winchester (or sg. else) is still working when shutting
> > down. That's the same with Hibernating, but not with Suspending, then
> > the laptop turn-off is noiseless.
> > It's not just that it's not "trendy" for a modern OS to behave like
> > this but I'm also afraid of destroying my hardware and it's also quite
> > disturbing for me. I use K/Ubuntu since 5.04 and I tried many other
> > linux distributions too but never experienced such symptoms. (neither
> > with Kubuntu Edgy or with Windows)
> > As this may not be a bug I would like to know if there is some way to
> > tweak my system in order to make a completely noiseless (and maybe
> > more secure) shutdown for my laptop. Maybe I should modify my shutdown
> > scripts, or...? If you have any suggestions, please send an e-mail!
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Balázs Magyari

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