Q: panel configuration

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 22:12:40 UTC 2007

Macario Valle said the following at 03/17/2007 12:52 PM :
> 1.Right click on the panel
> 2.KDE Panel configuration window comes up, 2/3 in the middle under
> "Size:" change to small, as opposed to "tiny", Close

I already set it to "Normal", to double the size as compared to "Tiny". I
think that "Normal" is the right size, since "Tiny" doesn't make the bar
sufficiently tall to accommodate two rows of icons.

> 3. Go to "System Setting" on the KDE menu.
> 3. Choose Icons, Advanced, Change the size in pixels on the "Size"

There is no "Icons" option when I open "System Settings".


There is a Appearance | Icons | Advanced, and then a series of sub-options:
Dektop/File Manager, Toolbar, Main Toolbar, Small Icons, Panel, All Icons
-- but Toolbar and Main Toolbar are already set to 16, and Panel is set to
32 but can't be changed.

I suspect that what I need is a way to change the Toolbar value to 16, but
that's what I don't know how to do.

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