Q: panel configuration

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 17:53:41 UTC 2007

I have a couple of questions about where to change details of the
panel configuration.

Historically, I ran with the panel size set to "Tiny", but now I have
enough icons in the system tray that I wanted to give myself more room
by doubling the height of the panel.

So I set the size to "Normal". This had the intended effect of
doubling the height... BUT there were two things it didn't do, and
which mean that I really didn't get a whole lot of extra space.

1. The Application icons (the ones on the left) became much larger
than they were before: how do I shrink those icons back down to their
16-pixel versions? (These icons also really look clunky, because they
are so much bigger than every other icon on my desktop.)

2. The system tray, even though it's now twice as high as before,
still has all the icons in a single line. How do force the icons in
the system tray to stack so that there are two lines of them instead
of the current single line?

I have looked in all the KDE configuration places I can think of, but
haven't found any way to change either of these. Without these
changes, though, the "Normal" size of the panel wastes a tremendous
amount of space.

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