Hardware list--new PC

mark neidorff mark.kubuntu at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 13:12:30 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

Its time for me to (at last) update my system and my distribution.  Been
using linux (hmmmmm......) since 1993, so I know my way around and have done
enough with different distros that switching isn't going to be a problem to
me. (OK, stop laughing...I HOPE that switching won't be a problem)

It may be a tall order but I'd like to:

1. buy a new CPU/motherboard and RAM that has most stuff built in (I'm not a
3-d gamer, so the latest/greatest/most-crash-prone graphics don't interest
2. use the PC to run servers that I am now running:  apache, qmail, ezmlm,
spamassassin, clamav, courier-vpopmail, etc.
3. do my general work on the PC--(easy stuff--OoO, K3B, kmail, listen to
various forms of audio & watch a few videos)

As I mentioned I run a mail server + several small mailing lists.  When I
switch from old server to new, I don't want to have a lot of downtime.

I don't want to go out and buy a CPU/mb/RAM and then find out that I have
problems getting the on-board ports (network/audio/video/usb/firewire,etc)

So, my questions are:

Is there a hardware compatibility list?
Is there "preferred" hardware?  (I prefer AMD CPUs. )
Is this the list where I should be asking these questions????  (if not,
where should I ask)

Thanks for any help,

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