David Robertson
2.david.robertson at
Tue Jun 19 11:22:15 UTC 2007
Hi, I am trying to get to grips with Linux on a spare system and am a
complete novice in many ways. I have Kubuntu feisty fawn 7.04 with the
KDE desktop installed........Firefox is my browser and Thunderbird my
mail prog........I also have aMSN set up, Gmail notify and Nicotine-Plus
and all work fine........all other settings and applications are pretty
much default.
I have used Azureus on my other machine running XP and thought I would
try torrents on the Kubuntu system using Azureus as it was a bit
familiar to me. All is set up fine....... TCP port is configured
properly and the UDP port number is the same by default.
I get the torrent file to my desktop, click on it and it opens Azureus
and the torrent tries to get going but I get Error:Fail and in the info
section from 'My Torrents' it says .......Error:Data Missing /home/ and
then the torrent file details..........the torrent is from a good source
and is coming in fine on my XP machine
Any help would be much appreciated as I haven't a clue :-(
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