virtual OS solutions?

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Sat Jun 2 06:29:16 UTC 2007

Kevin Kempter <kevin at> writes:

> I've installed Kubuntu 7.04 and I have needs to also have access to a
> Redhat based distro for working with RPM's & building custom RPM's for
> my clients.
> I wonder which of the virtualization options bmight be the best in terms of :
> a) ease of install
> b) ability to copy/backup the VM
> c) ease of administration 
> I've tried vmware and it's ok but my machine runs hot as hell when I'm running 
> a guest OS.
> Anyone have experience with Xen, Virtual Box, other options?  Any
> advice, tips, etc? Any how-to's that would help me to install a Fedora
> or CentOS guest on a kubuntu host ?

I have had good success with OpenVZ, but if you intend running that on a
destkop machine with an X GUI and all you may need to have experience
building and configuring your own kernels.[1]

It has the key advantage that you run only one kernel and hardware
interface; it gives you the equivalent of a "super-chroot" that allows
the other VM to run with minimal overhead.

I only use it on servers, but this mail is passing out via one of them.


[1]  At least some of the OpenVZ kernels didn't have sufficient support
     for sound and DRI to qualify as "desktop" by most definitions.

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