Kubuntu Amd64 again - change of mind

FX Fraipont fxfrpt at gmail.com
Wed Jul 25 12:24:34 UTC 2007

One last post on the subject of amd64 and Kubuntu (I was the imprudent 
poster who almost started a civil war yesterday by daring to suggest 
that acroread, which doesn't do 64bits, is indispensable for some).

1. I've been running Kubuntu 64 for about ayear and there are of course 
no stability issues with it. I never said anything like  that.

2. There is absolutely no problem with Automatix2 and it greatly 
simplifies the installation of firefox32 and the flash / java plugin

3. Acroread is a different bird altogether, and Automatix2 never managed 
to make it work for me. However, despite the fact that I said a couple 
of days ago that it was indispensable because the alternatives  did not 
allow you to print or search, a poster (I forgot who) said taht kpdf 
allowed you to search and print.

And he was right! and saved me from reinstalling 32, since it was my 
main problem (I do tarnslation work, when you look up terminology on 
google, you often come across  pdf's that you need to search). I had to  
save the pdf, and then launch kpdf. Not entirely practical. I never 
realized you could call kpdf from firefox directly (saves me one 
operation) and that Kpdf allowed you to search and save (I guess I was 
talking about ghostscript).


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