Dell Laptop question

manchicken manchicken at
Thu Jul 19 20:09:27 UTC 2007

On Thursday 19 July 2007 09:22:23 Nigel Ridley wrote:
> Ted Frater wrote:
> > Nigel Ridley wrote:
> >> I was interested in buying one of those Dell/Ubuntu laptops but they are
> >> not yet available here in Israel.
> >>
> >> BUT, I found a retailer that sells all their laptops without an
> >> installed OS - if I want! :-)
> >> So what, of the cheaper range, models would you recommend? What are the
> >> Turion processors like as opposed to the Intel core duo? I did have a
> >> quick Google but their is way too much info out there to digest
> >> easily/quickly.
> >>
> >> Blessings,
> >>
> >> Nigel
> >
> > Dell have a consumer range and their business range.
> >   The former  is Inspiron the latter is the Latitude.
> >   If your going to use it for business do purchase 3 yr on site next
> > business working day warranty.
> >  Essential.
> > As for build  quality , IBM lenovo are still the best.
> > whats just as important tho is where the nearest service depot is. Talk
> > to them first to see what support your going to get
> > you need a laptop that has an installed base of 1000's. there will be
> > more spares for those around than say the latest  high flying model
> > I personally always go for a second hand ex corporate leasing laptop.
> >  If its survived 3  yearsof leasing it will have has a good burn in.
> >  Never failed me.
> >  And I supply laptops to friends.
> >  Only IBM tho.
> >  hope this helps.
> Thanks for the advice. I just looked at the Thinkpad line-up and they all
> seem to have the new Core2 duo processors - of which there is a serious
> warning: "At this time, I cannot recommend purchase of any machines based
> on the Intel Core 2 until these issues are dealt with (which I suspect will
> take more than a year). Intel must be come more transparent."
> I don't think that there is a second hand ex corporate leasing option here
> in Israel - it's a very small country.
> I was considering the Inspiron 1501 but am not sure about the Turion 64 X2
> TL50 and the ATI Mobility™ Radeon® Xpress 1150 - how does Kubuntu manage
> with these?
> Blessings,
> Nigel
> --
> OliveRoot Ministries

ATI is not handled well with anything that provides 3D support in any 

~ manchicken <><
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