KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages

Jon Grant jg at jguk.org
Wed Jan 31 00:53:37 UTC 2007

Hi Derek,

Thanks for your reply. You make some interesting points.

Derek Broughton elucidated on 30/01/07 17:30:
> Jon Grant wrote:
>> I've not seen any suggestion to only include someone in the reply to
>> their email if they request it. Typically the sender will be in the To:
>> field, and the list will be in the CC: field,
> This isn't typical at all.  Smart mail clients respond to the List-Post
> header.  Otherwise, the "From" or "Reply-to" header is in the TO, and CCs
> are in the CC.  afaict, nothing is actually "typical".

Reply-to  seems to override in the case of Thunderbird.

>> but it's apparent Ubuntu 
>> mailinglist has been incorrectly configured to set Reply-To, which
> I don't think so, but I'm not reading via the list.
>> CC'ing doesn't bypass any of my filters, perhaps you need to check your
>> configuration. e.g. Thunderbird calls the filter option "To or CC"
> Not my situation at all, thanks.  As I said, I get it via gmane news. 
> However, again, smart mail clients filter on the List headers - in which
> case "to or CC" would be missed.  Of course I DON'T want list posts
> filtered via To or CC, as I specifically want stuff posted TO me in my
> inbox.
>>>> The
>>>> only problem I can see is that Ubuntu have set the Reply-To field to the
>>>> mailing-list address.
>>> How about for all of us who get the list via gmane, thank you?  If I
>>> wanted to receive emails of all these posts, I'd use the list interface.
>> You'd need to speak to the people who maintain your mail2news gateway.
> No, I don't.  You're missing the point.  Many of us using the Ubuntu lists
> read them via gmane.  If we wanted mail, we'd subscribe to the list. 
> There's nothing wrong with gmane's gateway, I JUST DON'T WANT TO BE CC'd on
> everything.
>> There are obvious workarounds for gmane not supporting what you want,
> It's not gmane's problem, it's rude posters.

There lies your problem. I think you need to agree there is an issue 
before you can resolve it. No poster is being rude by including your 
email address in a reply to the email you sent. You have a problem 
because you separate your sending/viewing and didn't check gmane fits 
with your approach. I don't personally see dups when I'm on lists as 
well as in To or CC.

>> like subscribing from a noreply at yourhost.com email address. Or simply
> I don't want to prevent people talking to me, I just don't want you sending
> me copies I'm obviously going to see anyway.  I have always made it a point
> of using valid email addresses on news & lists and I don't plan to change
> now.

It sounds like you're not on the "list" though, wherein lies the 
problem, you've adopted gmane without checking it fits.

>> configure your client to delete any list email you receive if you never
>> want it via that route. I'm not fond of workarounds like this myself,
>> the issue should be tackled for all users who want the feature.
> I'd rather try to educate users not to CC posters who are already going to
> see the mail.  If, otoh, individuals like you and Donn insist on CC'ing me
> when I politely ask you not to, I'll just filter those individuals.

I don't have any records indicating I have been CC'ing you. as Ubuntu 
made a mistake and set the Reply-To to the list address Thunderbird 
simply replies to that.

It's not a case of education, you have your view and you have adopted 
something unconventional i.e. gmane for reading an email discussion 
list. Solve the problem where it occurs (your gmane viewing/posting), 
not back up the chain at individuals and mailing list level. You'll 
never succeed in getting everyone to addopt something unconventional 
just to workaround your use of Gmane...

> As for tackling the issue for all users, just who should be doing that? 
> _My_ mail client already behaves properly - if I reply, it goes to the
> list, if I reply-all it goes to the list and CCs the poster.  Yours,
> apparently, misbehaves.

I'm unsubbing from the list in a few hours as I'm not a regular here, so 
remember to include my email address in any reply if you'd like me to 
see it! (no pun intended!)

I'm intending this reply to be constructive, so please don't take it any 
other way.
Weblog: http://jguk.org/

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