[kubuntu-users] Re: KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages

Juergen Sauer juergen.sauer at automatix.de
Sat Jan 27 21:06:52 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, 27. Januar 2007 18:32 schrieb D. Michael McIntyre:

> It's called a fork.  Fork Dapper.  Start your own distro.

Dapper is advertized as LTS. This means Long Time Support.
For 5 Years.

So it ist the releasmanagers duty to support the current line of KDE for 
this time range.

KDE "WAS" Released officially for Dapper 6.06.01 LTS - refer to the 
release notice.

> You want the latest KDE, Firefox and OO.o built on top of a core that
> keeps as much of the old Dapper as possible?  Go create it.  Make it
> available, maintain it.


Kubuntu Team has to ! Definetively !

Or to fix every well known Problem of the already released KDE Packages !!
I.e. the "logout Bug". (ksmserver crashes on logout if there are no optins 
for suspend/shudown/restart offered.... this is a most annoying BUG)

> Problem solved.

Excuse me, Sir, I am not convinced.
Nothing is solved. Problems are generated.

KDE 3.5.5 is released für 6.06.01 LTS - also it must be bugfixed or 
upgraded !

On the other hand the whole kubuntu project will loose any respect and 
credits of the users. If there is no fix/follow up release the Kubnuntu 
project stumbles into a big trouble  !

Jürgen Sauer
automatiX Professionell  Support (current on duty)

Jürgen Sauer - AutomatiX GmbH, +49-4209-4699, jojo at automatix.de
Das Linux Systemhaus - Service - Support - Server - Lösungen
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