[kubuntu-users] Re: KDE 3.5.6 released w Kubuntu packages

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at rosegardenmusic.com
Sat Jan 27 17:32:21 UTC 2007

On Saturday 27 January 2007 4:20 am, Donn wrote:

> I don't say this with a whine in my voice, nor am I stamping my foot. I
> simply wonder why the focus is to speed ahead and leave broken islands of
> old versions behind. It seems counterproductive somehow.

After listening to this discussion for the last while, and trying to wrestle 
with explaining the why and how of it all, I have finally hit on what I 
should have opened with initially.

Donn, and everyone else who wants to see Dapper remain a safe and steady 
snapshot of everything except the few latest and greatest goodies you simply 
must have, there *is* a solution to this.

It's called a fork.  Fork Dapper.  Start your own distro.

You want the latest KDE, Firefox and OO.o built on top of a core that keeps as 
much of the old Dapper as possible?  Go create it.  Make it available, 
maintain it.

Problem solved.

That's really what it comes down to in Linuxdom.  I'm not being a smartass 
here, and it's really this simple.  It's pointless to debate about the *why* 
of any of this.  Just accept the facts as they are so obviously presented, 
and if you don't like the look of the facts, change them.  We all have the 
tools at our disposal to do what distro maintainers do, and there are 
hundreds of distros out there due in large part to exactly the same sort of 

D. Michael McIntyre 

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