how to cache fonts:/System

Donn donn.ingle at
Thu Jan 25 07:28:49 UTC 2007

> Does anyone know some way to force Konq to remember what the previews
> ofthe fonts look like, so it doesn't behave this way?
I can't help you with konqueror, but I have written an app to view ttf files 
(and manage / install / uninstall them too). If you want to have a look it's 

It's still early days, so at the moment it only does .ttfs. The source code is 
all there so it's pretty easy to change it to include .otf files too. Type 1 
and other esoteric fonts are not supported because I don't understand them 


When there's an emergency how come we never hear anyone shout "Let me through, 
I'm an aromatherapist!"
-- unknown

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