Quicktime *.mov video from internet

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at bellsouth.net
Wed Jan 10 00:53:02 UTC 2007

I'm a little stuck and cant find the full answer on the (k)ubuntu forums.

On Sat morning my wife's laptop, running XP corrupted itself to oblivion, so I 
spent 12 hours reloading her entire system.  This was a fairly urgent reload 
as she is taking online courses.  The thought occured to me while I was 
reloading XP that she could use my laptop--Kubuntu Edgy--to access her 
courseware.  So I tried to login to her courseware website and got everything 
to work except the lectures that are built in Quicktime videos.

When I went digging through the forums, I discovered I didnt have VLC, so I 
downloaded it and successfully tested it with *.mov videos on my harddrive.  
I then set up Konqueror to recognize VLC as the default player for the 
quicktime file type.  When I click on a video link from the web VLC launches, 
attempts to load, then aborts the play.

I get the same effect with Konqueror using KMplayer for quicktime.  Kmplayer 
aborts play immediately when using GStreamer and Mplayer.  When it is set to 
use XINE, I get a very brief flash inside the movie player that reminds one 
of poor reception on a UHF/VHF television signal, then XINE immediately 
aborts the play.  

No error messages are displayed during any of the aborts.

My gut feeling says I am close to a solution, but obviously not close enough, 
can someone give me some pointers or a link to a website?  No ranting here, I 
am very pleased with Kubuntu...

...and hopefully I sent this without hijacking another thread!  :-)


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