Require password to stop

anthony baldwin anthonybaldwin at
Wed Jan 10 00:10:48 UTC 2007

Gary Hodges wrote:

>If I set up the screensaver to "Require password to stop" I don't get
>the results I'm after.  That is, I never have to provide my password.
>It is as if I never selected the option.  I can lock the screen and
>invoke the screensaver with the lock icon the ability is there.
Heh...with the lock option set, I always have to lock the screen with 
the icon,
or right click on the desktop, otherwise the screensaver doesn´t even start.
It´s weird...Nonetheless, I choose to keep it that way, since my entire 
is on my computer, financial files, work, etc...I can´t afford to have 
and such poking around and messing stuff up.


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Version: 3.1
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