How to properly install RealPlayer for Linux

bryann brymelvin at
Wed Jan 3 15:39:12 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 07:24 +0000, Ian Rose wrote:
> john d. herron wrote:
> > Hi, all.
> > When I tried to install the version of Realplayer (v 8.0.11) proposed 
> > by Adept, the response I got from Adept manager in the 'Requested' 
> > column was a "BREAK (install)" in red color, with an ensuing message 
> > to the effect that the object in the repository is broken.
> > I then turned to the website, where I found two Linux options 
> > available: RealPlayer10GOLD.bin  or  RealPlayer10GOLD.rpm.
> > My Firefox browser is set up to routinely download files onto the 
> > desktop (is that the best choice?), but I'm so dumb I don't know 1) 
> > which of the two suggested options would be better nor 2) how to 
> > install that better option so it will land in the proper place (folder 
> > ...) to operate properly.
> > Also, is the installer going to automatically provide for an 
> > application menu entry or is that something that will need to be done 
> > manually?
> > Any help will be thankfully appreciated.
> > john
> > _______________________
> > kubuntu 6.06 LTS on i586 w/ 512 MB
> >
> >  
OK I understand:-) I'm going to say a bit more than a simple answer as I
assume the goal is to be USING realplayer for streaming audio/video.

My Kubuntu on a pc was done by adding Kubuntu desktop so I can't
Guarantee it will work from a Kubuntu disk install but;

I used the tar.gz ran it in a  root terminal.   If you don't have a root
terminal use Sudo. I don' t know if current versions put a root terminal
in the menu either my installation has been set up since Hoary.

It put a listing in the menu and I believe the Desktop at least it did
here or rather IIRC replaced the realplayer 10 icon I already had on the
Desktop from Realplayer10 Gold win32 (via Wine).

The problem I ran into is the sound drivers. It seems the helix/Real
player for linux only supports OSS. My default install (Ubuntu) +kubuntu
desktop was running alsa and thus needed the alsa OSS package and
changes made in the multimedia settings. with an arts install this may

FWIW after installing all codecs etc for everything to play (restricted
formats page) I find that most news videos etc dont play worth a dam.

Also be careful which associations are created, as realplayer is a
nuisance to play albums on the linux version.

End results for actual usage (not playing with the computer) are:

Movies DVDs  totem xine (works smoother than win +cyberdvd)
Audio Rythm box or Amarok
Streaming audio video  WINDOWS realplayer 10 on wine with Firefox
windows version 
OR Windows mediaplayer with ie6 on Crossover.

The above applies to the machines faster than 700mhz

My hubbies very old p2 450 actually plays streaming radio  via
realplayer linux best

The only TV shows that seem to work well on Linux players seem to be ABC
all the others hang no matter what player I use.

Using firefox (for win32) with wine or crossover with windows plugins
seems to work much better here, although it is necessary to kill the
processes manually often when you're done viewing .

Oh and before you try all the windows stuff on wine   getting THAT
working IS a lot of work unless you know how to manipulate wine or
crossover well. You need to add a lot of things to the default install
( ole and scripting flash shockwave etc)

ALL of the above is NA on power pc MAC ..the only option for that is
GPLflash ( most streaming video needs flash) and that doesn't work well
except on a few sites.

the DRM for buying music from REAL doesn't work here in any  case, on
linux. I've still needed a win partition for that. I suspect that
Rhapsody might work well but I refer pay as I buy, not a monthly fee.

OH and if you are going through a router REAL often chokes going through
routers no matter what version you use. But /THAT is another subject.

This sounds bad,,,but actually with a bit of work it can be done,my
computers are the ONLY multimedia we use. We are Very remote and use
them for news, music and even radio listening.


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