How to properly install RealPlayer for Linux

Ian Rose ian at
Wed Jan 3 07:24:16 UTC 2007

john d. herron wrote:
> Hi, all.
> When I tried to install the version of Realplayer (v 8.0.11) proposed 
> by Adept, the response I got from Adept manager in the 'Requested' 
> column was a "BREAK (install)" in red color, with an ensuing message 
> to the effect that the object in the repository is broken.
> I then turned to the website, where I found two Linux options 
> available: RealPlayer10GOLD.bin  or  RealPlayer10GOLD.rpm.
> My Firefox browser is set up to routinely download files onto the 
> desktop (is that the best choice?), but I'm so dumb I don't know 1) 
> which of the two suggested options would be better nor 2) how to 
> install that better option so it will land in the proper place (folder 
> ...) to operate properly.
> Also, is the installer going to automatically provide for an 
> application menu entry or is that something that will need to be done 
> manually?
> Any help will be thankfully appreciated.
> john
> _______________________
> kubuntu 6.06 LTS on i586 w/ 512 MB
Since you are using Dapper , you can add the dapper-commercial 
repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list, with the line:

deb dapper-commercial main

And then just 
sudo apt-get install realplay

( references: )


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