Not reading 1GB XD card

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Jan 2 14:14:05 UTC 2007

I've a Fuji 5500 that uses XD picture cards. When I place a card in my
card reader I can browse it in Konqi under /media/usbdisk. I can see
the thumbnails, but cannot open the pictures. I've tried opening them
in Konqueror, Gimp, and KolourPaint.

Also, when I copy the pictures, the pictures on the disk are only 32
KB in size. On the card they were over a meg each. The new pictures
display as thumbnails, but when I try to open them I get a black image
that is 1600*1200 pixels in size.

What is wrong, and how can I correct this? Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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