Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Thu Feb 22 14:42:37 UTC 2007

Thanks, Derek. That makes it clearer.

Of course, in the midst of writing my rant, I remembered how I had 
solved this before (with the aid of this list). I had gotten so 
frustrated, that it clean went out of my mind. (This sort of thing 
happens as we enter our seventh decade. It's like ear hair)

Anyway, thanks to all. 'Scuse the ring. My bad.


Derek Broughton wrote:
> J. Stewart Schneider wrote:
>> I used the modeline calculator to calculate a modeline for 1280x1024.
>> Yaaaaa! Why is this so hard? What am I doing wrong? Xorg.0.log contains
>> some warnings, to wit:
>> (WW) I810(0): Bad V_BIOS checksum
>> (WW) I810(0): Extended BIOS function 0x5f11 not supported.
>> (WW) I810(0): Bad V_BIOS checksum
>> (WW) I810(0): config file hsync range 28-33kHz not within DDC hsync range
>> 30-70kHz
>> (WW) I810(0): config file vrefresh range 43-72Hz not within DDC vrefresh
>> range 50-160Hz
> What modeline calculator?
> If it won't do this for you automagically, it's only a standard ratio LCD,
> it can't be that hard.
>> These are followed by a great number of screen resolutions of this form:
>> *(WW) (1280x1024 at 75,SYS-172L) mode clock 135MHz exceeds DDC maximum 110MHz
> Throw all of those away. It's an LCD, it'll work at 60Hz.  For now, you want
> it to work with one modeline.
> Comment out anything that isn't 1280x1024.  All those "not within DDC ..."
> messages are specifically saying that you have modelines specified that
> aren't valid for the hardware.
> Use:
>  gtf 1280 1024 60
> Insert that modeline, and comment out anything else.

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