KMail from many platforms

Sylviane et Perry White spwhite at
Thu Dec 6 18:25:05 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 05 December 2007 19:27, Derek Broughton wrote:
> > I am using Suse 9.3  and KUbuntu feisty *on the same computer* and I
> > would like to use KMail from both, with the same context, i.e. accessing
> > the same Mail folder. (same whish for 2 user accounts under feisty, only
> > with more restrictions, but let's go one step at a time)
> >
> > If anyone has an idea thanks in advance for communicating            
> > Perry
> For two users on the same computer, it's easiest to use a local IMAP server
> (never mind about "offline" or "disconnected" IMAP). Install dovecot or
> courier-imap and put all the folders under the server.

Thanks Derek,David and Nils.

For Derek's suggestion I will have to learn a bit, that may be interresting on 
its own right, but Nils suggestion is straightforward, just what I needed. 
It's a redirection akin to the symlink trick I couldn't get working. Since 
Nils tried it, it will probably work for me too. Too late for me to try today 
but will do it soon and report back.
Nils wrote:
> For both I changed the mailbox folder in the config 
> file $HOME/.kde/share/config/kmailrc for this test. In the section marked 
> [General] the entry is now "folders=/usr/local/nils/Mail" for one 
> distribution and "folders=/mnt/usr/local/nils/Mail" for the other one.

David wrote:
> It sounds like he's dual booting, since he says it's on the same machine, so 
> why not just share /home with SuSEe and kubuntu.
That is another question I wanted to ask on the list, I can figure out good 
reasons to do that but I don't know what are the cons.
I fear that both distros could write conflictings infos, and with only one 
Home I could find myself homeless if things go wrong.
If and when I have time I may try this on a scrap computer.

I suggest that any response to that (if any), be placed in a thread of its 
own; "dual booting sharing home" would be a good subject.   ;-)

Thanks a lot, not only to those who answered the questions I asked, but also 
to all that answered the questions I didn't ask			Perry

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