Gizmo cross platform?
Nigel Ridley
nigel at
Tue Aug 28 19:12:52 UTC 2007
Graham wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2007 12:18:15 +0300
> Nigel Ridley <nigel at> wrote:
>> Since, according to the discussion about Wengophone vs. Skype, Gizmo
>> appears to be better; can someone let me know if Gizmo is really
>> better than the other competition and can it 'talk' to folks using
>> Skype (such as family that are still using Windows)?
>> TIA
>> Nigel
> Nigel, as I understand things, Gizmo (and Freespeech, Wengophone and
> any other SIP based services) can talk to each other. However, as each
> service has its user base you will only be able to access other
> subscribers of that service without cost.
> Even if you use Kphone or xtenlite as the GUI for the SIP service you
> will have to be connected to Gizmo OR Wengo OR Freespeech to utilise
> the access to other users without cost on the same service.
> Skype is another matter. It uses a proprietary protocol which CANNOT
> be accessed by open source SIP clients. You can access only Skype
> subscribers through the Skype service. However, there are more Skype
> subscribers than with any other service so you will probably connect
> with somebody you want. Its similar to the situation over Windows vs
> Linux in the voip world.
> However, you can get all your friends to sign up to Gizmo and then you
> will be able to access people you wish to call on whatever platform you
> choose. Personally, I'd recommend Freespeech as a voip service
> provider, which you can find out about at:
> It uses the open source SIP protocols and any softphone (eg Kphone)
> should work with it, including Windows softphones.
Thanks Graham - that makes things a bit clearer now.
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