numlock ON before logging in

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Fri Aug 17 22:13:12 UTC 2007

On Friday 17 August 2007, Gene Heskett wrote:
> there is one teeny led on the keyboard that must be on or it doesn't work
> from a fresh boot.  The last fresh boot however was several months ago.
> (ups)

I HATE that keyboard.  My wife has one of those #!^@#^@#^#^#^#$^#^ things.

On the numlock at boot thing, I'm remembering something in the init scripts on 

How about that.  I never throw anything away.  I still have my /etc directory 
from Mandrake 8.1 (my first distro.)  I guess I've been keeping it around for 
this very day.

It's /etc/init.d/numlock.

Here's the script.  It looks like the meaty bit is "setleds" but I have no 
idea...  Yup, we seem to have one on Debian.  Should be simple enough to 
extract a solution from these elements, but I don't feel like doing the 
extraction myself.  Pointing out the path will have to suffice.
D. Michael McIntyre 
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