numlock ON before logging in

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Fri Aug 17 15:42:35 UTC 2007

On Friday 17 August 2007, John Hansen wrote:
>Peter Lewis wrote:
>> On Friday 17 August 2007 at 13:42:49 David McGlone wrote:
>>> On Friday 17 August 2007 4:26:40 am Danni Matzk wrote:
>>>> Hi Salva,
>>>> If you do Alt+F2, type KControl, you'll get the Control Centre up. Click
>>>> on Peripherals, Keyboard, and there's an option there to have NumLock
>>>> turned on on KDE Startup.
>>> The problem with this is he wants the NumLock to start durring boot not
>>> durring kde startup.
>> This isn't probably very helpful, but in SuSE, there always used to be an
>> option in a file called /etc/rc.conf. I think Gentoo has a init script to
>> turn it on or off. If anyone has access to one of those boxes, maybe they
>> could figure out how they work?
>> Pete.
>Why go to all this trouble to avoid pressing a single button?

Because that single button disables a required function in a machine control 
application, the lack of which could injure someone or break the machine?

Its attitudes like this about linux that bother me even if there aren't any 
winders machines here except my lappy.  I have an exact replica of this in 
that the keyboard lashup in my current setup defaults to function keys off, 
and as the main application uses them, its a friggin PITA to remember that 
there is one teeny led on the keyboard that must be on or it doesn't work 
from a fresh boot.  The last fresh boot however was several months ago. (ups)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
It's not Camelot, but it's not Cleveland, either.
		-- Kevin White, Mayor of Boston

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