Please add tag to subject

Earl Violet ejviolet at
Wed Aug 8 01:22:53 UTC 2007

--- Stew Schneider <stew.schneider at> wrote:

> Art Alexion wrote:
> > On Mon, 2007-08-06 at 21:16 -0300, Derek Broughton wrote:
> >   
> >> Art Alexion wrote:
> >>> To the list admins:
> >>>
> >>> Please add a [kubuntu-users] tag to the subject of posts.  I
> access this
> >>> mail account with varied clients, some of which have poor
> filtering
> >>> features.  It would e nice to be able to identify list mail at
> a glance. 
> >>> Thanks.
> >>>       
> >> No, please don't.  Filter.  You can do it easily enough even
> with multiple
> >> clients.
> Honestly, I'm not trolling, and don't have ANY preference on this
> issue. 
> I just don't have the wit to understand why not to do this if it is
> handy for one (or more) of the list members. I guess what I don't
> see is 
> the downside. What inconvenience to others would this cause that
> I'm 
> missing?
> (a puzzled)
> stew
I don't see a problem for me either and I see a some advantages.

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