Please add tag to subject

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Wed Aug 8 03:14:47 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 07 August 2007, Earl Violet wrote:
> I don't see a problem for me either and I see a some advantages.

I've never really given this issue any serious consideration one way or the 
other.  Most of the lists I've participated on, historically, have used the 
sort of conventions under debate here.  The Ubuntu family of lists seems to 
be the only exception I see off-hand, and I've seen permutations of this 
thread's argument on several of them.

So what difference does it make, out of the box?  What's the price for adding 
some bit of text to the subject lines?  Here are two samples clipped out of 
my everyday KMail as normally configured:

Everything else being equal, it's pretty obvious that the Ubuntu way of doing 
this makes for easier reading of subject lines.  I'd have to adjust the width 
of the subject field considerably to see what any of the Rosegarden messages 
are about.  (In practice, I probably don't do that because I just read 
through them all out of habit; since that's my "job.")

So now that I have considered it, I have to agree the Ubuntu standards and 
practices folks who made this choice have probably done so wisely.  Moreover, 
I never really noticed this issue until people on various lists started 
making such a big deal out of it.  I just did what I always do, set a filter 
against the mailing list ID, and these messages went into their folder 
without any real need to contemplate exactly how that worked.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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