Please add tag to subject

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Tue Aug 7 23:56:19 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> The "technical" reason not to do this is that it's catering to broken
> clients.  Smart clients understand list headers.  Even most webmail clients
> can. 
Well, first of all, thank you for the response. Second of all, and 
forgive me for being over-blunt, it sounds as if you don't want this 
done just because you don't want it done. That's OK by me because, as 
you point out, I filter anyway.

I don't know that it's a good reason to inconvenience others, though. If 
the tag were added, I would not have to do anything -- my filter would 
still work, and I could still read the subject (I'm not sure why long 
subject titles would inconvenience anyone, but..) -- and the one who 
asked would have an easier time with it. I guess I don't understand why 
"not catering to broken clients" would prevail over "giving a guy a hand".

It's a moot issue anyway, as another poster mentioned, because it's not 
going to happen. Thank you for satisfying my curiosity, though.


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