Backup part 2

Macario Valle macariov at
Tue Aug 7 18:55:11 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 19:39 +0100, Neil Winchurst wrote:
> Thanks for all the help regarding backing up my hard drive. It seems
> that the best option is an external hard-drive. Having searched around
> the internet, there are so many to choose from Sigh.
> Once I have bought the drive, are there any recommendations as to how
> to best use it please? Which program for example.
> Thanks
> Neil Winchurst

I have been doing backup to an external usb hdd using Grsync,  
It is a simple gui for rsync.  Before that i was using just rsync, but
that gets old and using the gui beats remmembering all those parameters.
i jyst created a job and use it when ever I feel like doing backup.  
If i ever to restore it, and it has happened I just reverse the job and
presto! back in business.  i even had to redo my Kubuntu install once
and, once that was done, i just reinstalled grsync and restored my home
directory with one simple click.  It was quiet easy.

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