Acpi doesnt work for my A7V8X-X mainboard.

Lars Bungum lars at
Thu Sep 14 21:54:48 UTC 2006


After I went from Fedora Core 2 to Ubuntu Dapper 6.06, I can't get ACPI 
to work, so I've researched a little.

First of all there seemed to be a problem with hald and acpi, which was 
fixed.  I therefore upgraded to 2.6.15-26.47, hoping that this would 
remedy.  It didn't.  I also saw some tips about starting acpid before 
hald, but I did not find out how to actually do it.

I tried to stop hald manually, and then start acpid.  This worked, but 
the functionality did not.  My machine did not start to "powersave", and 
the options did not appear in kcontrol's "Laptop&Power" or "Display" 
settings, where they are in my Fedora Core 2.

Then I found out that FC loads a module called asus_acpi.  But when I do 
this with Dapper, this happenes:

sudo modprobe -v asus_acpi
insmod /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-k7/kernel/drivers/acpi/asus_acpi.ko
FATAL: Error inserting asus_acpi 
(/lib/modules/2.6.15-26-k7/kernel/drivers/acpi/asus_acpi.ko): No such device

well, that's about what I've found out.  I have no idea why this module 
does not work, or how to fix it.  But since this works in FC2 (under 
2.6.5) it obviously looks possible to me.

Any pointers?


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