One user, two passwords?

Hawkwind hawkwind at
Tue Sep 5 18:00:18 UTC 2006

On 9/5/06, MLA <mla at> wrote:
>     I'm toying with a couple of ideas for security, and was wondering if
> it's
> possible to assign a user two passwords, each with different levels of
> permissions. For example, password A is for normal login, maybe some
> administrative tasks, while password B is the key to the kingdom, rm -rf /
> kind of power. I've been looking through the documentation on sudo, but
> haven't found anything relevant yet. I suppose the first question I should
> ask is if it's even possible to have two passwords?
>     :Peter

 AFAIK...and I'm no expert of course, but in my 5 years of linux experience
I've never known such thing as one user having 2 different passwords.  It's
highly possible that it's something I've just never seen or heard of.
However, where I see your point, there is sudo/root which in a lot of ways
is similar, yet it's quite different.

I don't see any advantage to having a second password for one user to be
able to perform rm -rf /* for example.  I mean, you have to supply a
password for root, so what's the difference really ?  I guess maybe I'm
looking at it differently and that's probably why I don't see an advantage.

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With kind regards,

Cliff Wade (Hawkwind)
Registered Linux User #362532 Registered Kubuntu User #331
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