Kubuntu instability...

Brendan mailinglist at endosquid.com
Wed Oct 25 02:35:13 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 24 October 2006 14:56, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> Are you sure the applitacion locking the deb db is aptitude? It could very
> well be one of ADEPT's offspring (adept_updater comes to mind). I had once
> my aptitude blocked, and it was this adept_something that had silently
> crashed in the background. I killed it and everything went fine (didn't
> need to restart KDE).

One note:
I never have trouble with adept because I shut the damn thing down.
I just do a apt-get update, apt-get -V dist-upgrade every so often to see 
what's available....

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