{dapper] KDE apps won't display gif

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Thu Nov 30 17:53:47 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 29 November 2006 14:21, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 29 November 2006 13:55, Art Alexion wrote:
> >Just realized that, since upgrading to dapper from breezy the kde apps
> > lost the ability to display graphics in gif format.  They display fine
> > in firefox and the gimp, just kde apps.
> >
> >I have a feeling this has to do with the non-free thing, but how do I
> > restore this functionality?
> Huh?  ALL the restrictions on the .gif format due to patents on the
> compression method used have now expired, the last one on the planet this
> past June or July, so we should once again see fresh .gif renderers and
> generators out there in the wild.  Unless there's simply no real reason
> to do so.  There are now, many image formats that superceed .gif and its
> limited color palette and have found moderatly wide usage while the .gif
> scene was frozen.  .png comes to mind as the best example.

OK, but some web site still use gifs, so how do I get kde to display them 


Art Alexion

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