KDE and too many programs

John L Fjellstad john-ubuntu at fjellstad.org
Wed Nov 22 15:39:53 UTC 2006

Harold Hartley <haroldh at midmaine.com> writes:

> Its not kubuntu thats at fault here. Its kde that simply write their
> coding so that it intergrates with the other programs kde has to make
> it possible to intergrate with each other.

That's certainly bull.  I never had powermanagement or bluetooth
installed on my Debian KDE desktop and nothing broke.  The OP talking
about kubuntu-desktop being 'broken' if some of the dependencies get
removed.  That's an kubuntu issue, not a KDE issue.

John L. Fjellstad
web: http://www.fjellstad.org/          Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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