KDE and too many programs

Harold Hartley haroldh at midmaine.com
Wed Nov 22 16:27:21 UTC 2006

John L Fjellstad wrote:
> Harold Hartley <haroldh at midmaine.com> writes:
>> Its not kubuntu thats at fault here. Its kde that simply write their
>> coding so that it intergrates with the other programs kde has to make
>> it possible to intergrate with each other.
> That's certainly bull.  I never had powermanagement or bluetooth
> installed on my Debian KDE desktop and nothing broke.  The OP talking
> about kubuntu-desktop being 'broken' if some of the dependencies get
> removed.  That's an kubuntu issue, not a KDE issue.

Well, the newer kde is adding the newer stuff in kde to allow the newer 
hardware to work within itself.
You can find more about that at the kde web site about its programs and 
what they link to as well.


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