Image viewer question

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sat Nov 11 13:23:45 UTC 2006

Kaj Haulrich wrote:
> On Saturday 11 November 2006 09:07, Nigel Ridley wrote:
>> I used to use an image viewer that could do a few simple editing
>> tasks such as brightness control and a few others.
>> I hadn't really missed it until the other day and it's not on my
>> system anymore - and I can't remember what it's called :-(
>> It used to be the default image viewer in KDE before qwenview and
>> was accessed by a middle mouse click on an image.
>> HELP - What is it called? My gray matter isn't what it used to
>> be.
> Could it be kuickshow ? - If so I don't think it's in (K)Ubuntu or 
> KDE anymore.  Maybe you can compile it from source.
> Kaj Haulrich.

That's the one! I actually found it by digging out an old knoppix CD and 
firing up the laptop.
Unfortunately it's, like you said, not available anymore :-( It was so 
easy to make quick adjustments to photos using kuickshow.

Is there a similar app out there that will do what kuickshow could do?





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