Image viewer question

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Sat Nov 11 15:07:16 UTC 2006

On Saturday 11 November 2006 8:23 am, Nigel Ridley wrote:

> Is there a similar app out there that will do what kuickshow could do?

So far as I know, the disappearance of Kuickshow is strictly a Kubuntu thing.  
There are lots of "where is Kuickshow?" hits on google, and they all seem to 
have Kubuntu in them somewhere.

They want you to switch to Gwenview.

This was one of the reasons I kept running Debian on my own boxes for so long, 
even though I had long since migrated all my users to Kubuntu.  In the end, I 
wound up getting used to using Gwenview on other people's machines, and when 
I eventually migrated to Kubuntu myself, I decided to just go with the flow, 
and switch to Gwenview myself.

Kuickshow was faster, and smarter in many ways, but OTOH Gwenview has one big 
advantage, in that you can just rename a file you're looking at, instead of 
having to Save As the file with a useful name.  It's kind of a wash whether 
it's worth any bother to restore Kuickshow.

D. Michael McIntyre 

Author of Rosegarden Companion
See my new music stand unfolding at

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