Adept Help - Where is it?

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Wed Nov 8 13:38:36 UTC 2006

> I am using Dapper Drake 6.06 desktop.  I want to compile some programs.
>   I need the build-essential package.  I followed the Kubuntu guide for
> adding multiverse to universe in source.list.  Hit the Apply button
> followed by Close.  Then tried to update.  Screen opened up, informed me
> that it was downloading headers, and there it stopped.  No progress, no
> blinking lights on ADSL modem.
> Now for the frustrating part.  Hit F1 for help in Adept.  Not a sausage.
>   Tried to access the help document on the website.  Nothing there.
> Could somebody please straighten out this newbie.
> Thanks
> Kevo
> --
> kubuntu-users mailing list
> kubuntu-users at

My apologies for not having the adept help being written in time for the
Edgy release.  It is a primary goal of mine for Feisty and getting it
uploaded in KDE's svn for help.  So its comming
Jonathan Jesse

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