Making backups of several users

Kelly L. Fulks kfulks at
Thu May 25 12:10:39 UTC 2006

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> I want to upgrade to Dapper on my children's box. Before I do so I want
> to make a backup cd of their personel files, photos etc.
> How can I make a backup on a single cd for three different user accounts
> whilst keeping permissions intact?
> Do I use k3b using 'kdesu k3b' - would this preserve their individual
> permissions (obviously using the 'Preserve file permissions (backup)'
> option in k3b)? Or would it all default to root?
> I don't want to have to burn seperate cd's for each of the children's
> /home files.
> Blessings,
> Nigel

You could always build a .tgz file and put that on the CD.  It will burn
faster (assuming some significant number of text files), and take less
space as well.

sudo tar -czvf child_backup.tgz /home/???? /home/???? <as many times as
needed).  Then burn the file child_backup.tgz to the CD.  This will
preserve the permissions properly once restored.  To restore you would
simply place the cd in the drive, wait for it to mount and then:

cd /
sudo tar -xzvf /media/cdrom/child_backup.tgz

You should have no problems with permissions using this assuming you
have the same userids with the upgraded system that you have on the
current system.

Kelly L. Fulks
Home Account
near Huntsville, AL

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