Making backups of several users

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Thu May 25 17:58:59 UTC 2006

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> I want to upgrade to Dapper on my children's box. Before I do so I want 
> to make a backup cd of their personel files, photos etc.
> How can I make a backup on a single cd for three different user accounts 
> whilst keeping permissions intact?
> Do I use k3b using 'kdesu k3b' - would this preserve their individual 
> permissions (obviously using the 'Preserve file permissions (backup)' 
> option in k3b)? Or would it all default to root?
> I don't want to have to burn seperate cd's for each of the children's 
> /home files.
> Blessings,
> Nigel

Replying to my own post here:

What I ended up doing was, from a terminal, to 'kdesu k3b' and then just 
burn /home
I checked the 'backup (preserve permissions) box and everything burned 
OK with all permissions intact.

Thanks to all those that offered advice :-)





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