[OBORONA-SPAM] Re: kde and local files

Mirjam Wäckerlin mirjam.waeckerlin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 3 10:48:00 UTC 2006

On 3/3/06, Gabriel Dragffy <dragffy at yandex.ru> wrote:
> But this is not the problem I'm having.... The
> system can automount the device, and I access and read and write perfectly
> on
> to the drive, it's just that opening files that are held on the drive
> through
> a KDE application can often return the error that I can only select local
> files. This is why I think the permissions isn't the problem.

I'm having the same problem  over here..  Everytime I want to listen to my
playlist with Amarok it tells me that I can only select local files (the
files are on a external usb hard drive) and I need to drag and drop the
files manually into Amarok to get them played...

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