fakeRAID instructions applied to Kubuntu

Matthew Kuiken matt.kuiken at verizon.net
Sun Jun 18 20:26:42 UTC 2006

Christopher J. Bottaro wrote:
> I am using these instructions to install Kubuntu onto my fakeRAID setup:
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FakeRaidHowto
> But the problem is that those instructions are for Ubuntu.
> I figure I can follow the instructions exactly, except when I get to the
> section titled "Installing the Base System":
> https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FakeRaidHowto#head-b3ee9096ee8ca7f93e5fe6f2da2cc80cbf079eeb
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I follow those instructions exactly, except
> change...
> debootstrap breezy /target
> to
> debootstrap dapper /target
> apt-get install ubuntu-base linux-386 ubuntu-desktop dmraid grub
> to
> apt-get install kubuntu-base linux-386 kubuntu-desktop dmraid grub
> And that's all there is to it, right?
> Also, is there another processor architecture besides 386 that is more
> suited to my Athlon XP?
> Thanks for the help.
There is a fairly big note at the top which states that using the 
livecd, installing dmraid, and then running ubiquity can allow you to 
bypass the need for doing most of the steps. The document seems pretty 
well updated for what needs to be done for 6.06, though. Just be careful 
to read the steps fully to avoid doing something that is no longer 
required by Dapper which might hose the system. Otherwise, the changes 
you stated above seem proper.

Just to be clear, I do not use fakeRaid, and thus have not tried the 
page in question.


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