
ben ben at
Fri Jun 9 07:17:55 UTC 2006

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006 18:22:20 -0500
> > I cannot find gparted on either kubuntu 6.06 or ubuntu 6.06. how
> Do you have the multiverse and universe repositories enabled?  I'm
> not sure that's where it is, but I found it using synaptic when I
> searched for "parted".
> Of course I'm assuming you knew you'd have to install it before you
> can find it on the system, its not installed by default, I don't
> believe.

gparted is in the main repo in dapper but not in the base install,
and it'll have to drag a few gnome libs if u dont have them already. in
a terminal:
sudo apt-get install gparted

ben <ben at>

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