WPA in kubuntu

Stratos Laspas stratos at laspas.gr
Wed Jul 26 08:11:09 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1
jr22 at bellsouth.net wrote:
> Jonathan
>  I think you are 100% correct.  I am not a Linux expert
> but did OK with breezy because it automatically connected to my
> wireless. However I have not been
> able to connect to my wireless with Dapper.  So, I am
> faced with the decision of going back to Brezzy or
> Win/XP.  I would like to get away from Windows.
In my opinion, the main reason that there is no such a tool that would
automagically set up all wireless connections possible, is the drivers
issue. Not all vendors provide drivers, and I am not aware of any that
provide them in GPL or similar license scheme. Therefore, one has to
go to various places on the internet and find community supported
drivers that work and directions of implementation.

Unfortunately, the automated tools did not work for me (using kubuntu,
but also by installing ubuntu programs), in the case that I wanted to
set up WPA (WEP is not recommended for security). Even after setting
up knetworkmanager, while connected, this programs thinks there is no
connection and no device present. The gnome tool does see the
connection active, but I only use it as a monitor, I did not use it
for setting up. There is also an option in Automatix
(www.getautomatix.com) for laptop wireless, but I did not try that.

Given the above, it is indeed evident that a wiki is missing on this
topic. Ideally, there would be one contributed by users using
different wireless chipsets, so that one can follow the procedures for
his particular product, until such a time that a turn-key app comes up
to do the work.

If it helps at all, my contribution is the following  (off the top of
my head, not very analytical):

Using a NetGear WG511 (does not mention version on the card, it's made in
China). In general terms, I did the following and it works
(independently of starting kde):

1) put the module prism54 in black list so it is not loaded
2) go to ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net, download card driver, follow
documentation instructions to set up ndiswrapper (create conf files)
3) put ndiswrapper in list of modules to be loaded
4) follow documentation instructions and set up
5) in /etc/network/interfaces, I have wlan0 as follows:
auto wlan0
iface wlan0 inet dhcp
pre-up /sbin/wpa_supplicant -Dndiswrapper -iwlan0
- -c/etc/wpasupplicant/wpasupplicant.conf -Bw
post-down killall -q wpa_supplicant


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