Dapper upgrade from Breezy (continued)

Scott Pettigrew scottkuma+kubuntu-users at gmail.com
Sat Jul 8 21:48:05 UTC 2006

Make sure your xorg.conf settings are correct.  Specifically, check
the default bits per pixel, and modify the configuration file settings
to remove "1280x1024" and any other non-desirable settings.  Then (I
THINK) your kdm will behave properly.


On 7/8/06, Sam Przyswa <samp at arial-concept.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I upgraded my breezy to dapper by changing all breezy occurrences with
> dapper in my sources.list, then apt-get update and upgrade, I had
> several problems but after rebooting with the rescue option in grub I
> succeed to upgrade...
> Other problem with the I810 driver the display configuration doesn't
> work, I tried to modify on my laptop "Display controller: Intel
> Corporation 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device (rev 02)" 16:9 it
> back me in 800/600 default and my second screen is unable to configure.
> I have to configure it in 1280x1024 to got the 1280x800 (16:9) to got my
> right display, but when I quit the session the login panel is in
> 1280x1024 !?
> Sam.
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Scott Pettigrew
scott at scottkuma.net

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