kde update notifier

Alessandro Pironi alessandro.pironi at spad.it
Sun Jan 15 00:11:36 UTC 2006

Old Rocker ha detto:
> On Saturday 14 Jan 2006 11:36, Alessandro Pironi wrote:
>> Does exist in kde something like update-notifier for gnome, a panel
>> applet that notifies the availability of updates via synaptic?
>> Ale
> No, but then in my view you don't need it.
> However, if you can't live without the update notifier in Gnome, edit 
> the KDE menu to add the following itemto any section you want:
> gksudo /usr/bin/update-manager
> and label it update manager.
> You will then have an item in the program list in Kicker, which you can 
> drag to the KDE desktop.
> Its in my lists, and I think it got installed there by using Kappfinder.  
> This will install a list of non-KDE (though not all) packages in the 
> KDE menu

what i need is not a shortcut to update-manager, but something that notifies me 
when an update is available. In gnome, an icon appears in the panel when there 
is something to update: clicking on it opens synaptic, and you can perform the 
updates.  useful.

How can i know when an update is available? Should i remember to manually 
perform an apt-get upgrade every day or every week?

thank you,

Alessandro Pironi
Spad s.r.l.
Via Giuntini, 25 - 56023 Navacchio (PI)
Tel: 050754205
Fax: 050754206
P.IVA. 01609570500
email: alessandro.pironi at spad.it

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