kde update notifier

Old Rocker old.rocker at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jan 14 20:03:21 UTC 2006

On Saturday 14 Jan 2006 11:36, Alessandro Pironi wrote:

> Does exist in kde something like update-notifier for gnome, a panel
> applet that notifies the availability of updates via synaptic?
> Ale

No, but then in my view you don't need it.

However, if you can't live without the update notifier in Gnome, edit 
the KDE menu to add the following itemto any section you want:

gksudo /usr/bin/update-manager

and label it update manager.

You will then have an item in the program list in Kicker, which you can 
drag to the KDE desktop.

Its in my lists, and I think it got installed there by using Kappfinder.  
This will install a list of non-KDE (though not all) packages in the 
KDE menu

Old Rocker

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