Setting up Printers

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Wed Jan 4 04:41:56 UTC 2006


> */Scott <angrykeyboarder at>/* wrote:
>     Art Alexion wrote:
>      >
>      > This is not really true. The HP deskjets are "winprinters" and
>     use the
>      > windows GDI to make them cheaper to build and sell. You have to use
>      > something like "pnm2ppa" (or some similar spelling) to get them
>     to work
>      > under Linux.
>      >
>     Uhh.. I think you're mistaking HP for maybe Lexmark?
 > No.  I have an HP 820 Cse and a 712c and the FAQ says:
 > *Q. Are drivers available for the Deskjet 710C, 712C, 720C, 722C,
 > 820Cse, 820Cxi, 1000Cse, 1000Cxi; or LaserJet 1000, 1005, 1020, 3100; or
 > Color LaserJet 1500, 2600 printers?*
 > * A.* These are non-standard host based printers. Currently there are no
 > plans to support these printers in HPLIP. Ghostscript print filters for
 > the Deskjet products can be found at the pnm2ppa project at

I stand corrected. In fact between the time I brought this up and your 
response, I've read that HP had indeed produced a number of 
"Winprinters", but they've since "seen the light" and discontinued the 
practice.  I don't know if Lexmark still produces them or not.

In any event, my printer is a HP Deskjet 6840 and is by no means a 
"Winprinter".    The box is labeled as good with Windows XP and Mac OS X 
as well as Ethernet and WiFi connections.

I've got it connected to the network and it works splendidly on the 
Windows box.   On this (K)Ubuntu box it's a different story. 
Linuxprinting rates it "3 Penguins" though. ;-)

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