Setting up Printers

Scott angrykeyboarder at
Tue Jan 3 15:38:28 UTC 2006

Art Alexion wrote:
> Scott wrote:
>> Is it just my imagination? Am I missing something? Or is (K)Ubuntu
>> very much lacking in documentation (official or otherwise) when it
>> comes to
>> setting up printers?
> I hadn't noticed it because, my printers seem to work fine.
>> One of the printers is a HP 6840 Deskjet.  HP of course is famous for
>> the best overall compatibility with Linux.  I'd seen my printer among
>> those listed on so that sealed the deal.
> This is not really true.  The HP deskjets are "winprinters" and use the
> windows GDI to make them cheaper to build and sell.  You have to use
> something like "pnm2ppa" (or some similar spelling) to get them to work
> under Linux.

Uhh..  I think you're mistaking HP for maybe Lexmark?

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