network configuration in vmware player

nutchanat sattayakawee diiar at
Wed Dec 20 17:31:50 UTC 2006

First of all, thank you.

> However, there is no way you can look at the guest
> system and tell that
> it is  using NAT.  What is happening internally is
> that VMWare is
> setting up a network within your host computer using
> the vmnet module.
> This network is then accessing the real LAN/WAN
> using the IP address and
> MAC address of your host system.

I had NAT virtual adapter with vmnet8. However, I
didn't configure the IP address and MAC address. What
do you mean by setting up a network? Is it as I did?
Or should I set up another network?

> You are extremely limited as to what you can
> configure using VMPlayer.
> However, you can certainly do this by doing a right
> click on the
> "Ethernet" button and selecting NAT.

I right clicked on "Ethernet" and select NAT. When I
clicked on the web browser, it did something different
from when I had bridged. But it took so long time to
find the web site like and finally it
coudln't find the server :( 
Do you have any suggestion?


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